Written for Kaplan's Medical School Admissions
Advisor. Posted versions are longer than those published.
What are the goals of
a "typical" female premedical student?
To become a pediatrician
To open a free clinic
To be a role model for women
To get married
To have children
To remain unintimidated by chauvinistic attitudes
Well, the last goal may not be "typical." Let's first look
at the profession, and then consider some concerns expressed by many
women premedical students.
The History of Women
in Medicine
Although more than 50% of the U.S. population is female, only about
20% of practicing physicians are currently women. This is much higher
than in 1970, when women constituted only about 7% of all practicing
physicians. The numbers of women applicants and matriculants into medical
school have been steadily increasing over the last thirty years. In
1996-97, over 20,000 women applied to allopathic medical school, virtually
equal percentages of men and women were accepted, and women made up
about 43% of the entering class. Projections by the AAMC published in
1995 are that by the year 2010, 30% of the physician workforce will
be female. With women now composing over 50% of the general U.S. population,
why are medical schools not admitting and graduating 50% women today?
This level of equity may, indeed, be reached in the next twenty years.
The Current Realities
The Council on Graduate Medical Education's recent Fifth Report: Women
and Medicine, delineates five findings related to women in
the physician workforce:
The number of women in the professions is increasing
Women remain underrepresented among leaders in medicine
Women concentrate in a limited number of specialties
Physician gender has little impact on workforce forecasting
Barriers to women's equal status remain as obstacles to their
Perhaps this last finding is what concerns women premedical students
the most; that gender bias, a reflection of society's value system,
remains the single greatest deterrent to women achieving their full
potential in every aspect of the medical profession, and is a barrier
throughout their full professional life cycle. Specifically, this refers
to sexual harassment, societal expectations of the roles of women as
the primary child care provider, the need for adequate child care, and
barriers to equal participation of women in some medical specialties
and subspecialties.
Women's Concerns
One student said, "I wish medical schools focused more on the
'human' aspect of the medical profession, that is, I would like it to
be more 'people-oriented' than a purely impersonal, academic-focused
profession." Was this a female premedical student? Yes. Women seem
to have an easier time developing empathy, listening and communication
skills, and thus, wish to have the interpersonal communications side
of medicine take a higher profile. For the last several years, the national
and regional AAMC meetings of such administrators as the Group on Student
Affairs have emphasized that "professionalism" and "communication
skills and sensitivity" are necessary in medical education training
for physicians. Whether or not every medical faculty member has heard
this wake up call is questionable, but medical educators seem to be
moving in this direction.
If you are a freshman, you might notice that there are about equal
numbers of men and women who consider themselves to be premedical. By
the time you apply as a junior or senior, 43 percent of applicants are
women compared to 57 percent of men....why? Although there is no definitive
answer to this question, women seem to drop out of the premedical pipeline
when the occasional crisis (academic, personal, financial, family, health)
arises, and they are not as persistent as their male peers after surviving
the crisis. Men seem to be hardier in this respect, taking the occasional
setbacks or "failures" in stride, and rebounding until they
have no more strategies to try and only when "success" seems
not to be possible. There may be an important message here for women:
you need to seek a role model, a Mentor, or a trusted Advisor who can
nurture your potential to fruition. If your instincts say "give
up", they may not represent a realistic appraisal of your potential.
Check with another, "neutral" source of information--not your
uncle, the doctor, or your sister or your roommate, but someone who
has a good perspective about what it takes to get into medical school.
A trusted Premedical Advisor or faculty member may be that person for
An older student said, "My greatest concern for women in medicine
is that of opportunity. Our society continues to reinforce the notion
that women are not equal to men. Further, there are many women who believe
this about themselves. In my opinion, this premise of inequality stems
from a shocking level of dysfunction in our nuclear family. What are
we teaching our children to believe? Ninety percent of my female peers
spend an overwhelming amount of time in anxiety about whether or not
they will succeed. I believe that the underlying question is not whether
they have the intelligence to succeed, but whether their background
nurtured their self-esteem to allow them to succeed."
to "What Women Want in Medical Schools"