Allopathic Medicine
AL - U Alabama, Birmingham*, U South Alabama
AZ - U Arizona
CA - Loma Linda, Stanford*, UC Davis, UC Irvine*, UC Los Angeles*,
UC Los Angeles-Drew, UC San Diego*, UC San Francisco*, U Southern California
CO - U Colorado
CT - Yale *
DC - Georgetown, George Washington, Howard
FL - U Florida, U Miami, U South Florida, Florida State
GA - Emory, Morehouse
HI - U Hawaii
IL - Chicago Medical College, Loyola, Northwestern*, Rush, U Chicago
Pritzger, U Illinois, Southern Illinois University
IA - U Iowa
IN - U Indiana
KS - U Kansas
LA - Emory, LSU New Orleans, Tulane
MA- - Boston U, Harvard U* (21), Tufts
MD - Johns Hopkins*, U Maryland, Uniformed Services U Health Sciences
MI - U Michigan*, Michigan State*
MN - Mayo*, U Minnesota Minneapolis
MO - U Missouri, St. Louis U, Washington U
NE - Creighton, Nebraska
NH - Dartmouth
NJ - New Jersey Medical RWJ, UMD New Jersey
NC - Wake Forest, Duke
NM - U New Mexico
NV - U Nevada
NY - Albany, Albert Einstein*, Columbia, Cornell, New York Medical
College, NYU, Rochester*, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Mt. Sinai, SUNY Stony Brook
OH - Case Western, Cincinnati, U Toledo (formerly Medical College Ohio)*,
Northeast Ohio, U Ohio, Wayne State, Wright State
OK - U Oklahoma
OR - Oregon U Health Sciences*
PA - Jefferson Medical College, Drexel, Penn State, Temple U, U Pittsburgh*,
U Pennsylvania*
SC - U South Carolina
TN - Meharry, Vanderbilt
TX - Baylor*, Texas A&M, Texas Tech U, U Texas Galveston, U Texas
San Antonio, U Texas Southwestern
UT - U Utah
VA - U Virginia, Medical College Virginia, Eastern Virginia
VT - U Vermont
WA - U Washington
WV - Marshall
WI -Medical College of Wisconsin, U Wisconsin
Allopathic Medicine
- International
Australia - Flinders
Belize - St. Matthews Medical College
Canada - U of Calgary, U of Toronto, U of Western Ontario, McGill
Dominica - Ross
England - Imperial College
Grenada - St. Georges University
Ireland - University of Dublin
Israel - Ben Gurion of Negev, U of Tel-Aviv, Sackler University, Technion
Mexico - Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
Montserrat - American U of the Caribbean