Associates e-Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 11
November 2007
Published by Lewis Associates. Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD., Editor
Email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with your comments. Enjoy!
What's inside:
Welcome to Lewis Associates!
Big news! Our move into our permanent Templeton, California office
will take place during the last 2 weeks in November, 2007! Our
email and phone system should be working throughout the move, but Dr.
Lewis will be physically moving the office and her residence those
2 weeks and not taking phone or in person appointments. As of today,
the driveway is one-third poured. Our tentative moving date is
now November 17, 2007. We will be establishing all our new communication
lines, packing, moving and unpacking and cleaning during this period. Hopefully,
Meagan will only be away from the phones for only a couple of days. So,
Advisees, plan accordingly please!
Future Site of Lewis Associates |
The fall has been exceedingly busy, with all of the application cycle "stuff
to do"; essays, tests, letters of recommendation, etc. Contact
us to find out how we can support YOUR application or help you plan
for a future application to be successful.
Permanent Mailing Address 1885
Laguna del Campo, Templeton, CA 93465 |
Phone 805-226-9669 |
Fax 805 226-9227 |
Lewis Associates now absorbs Long Distance Charges
All appointments/phone conferences are made from our office to you.
Meagan, our Administrative Assistant, calls YOU at your appointment
time and transfers you to Dr. Lewis.
Faxing documents to Dr. Lewis, Lewis Associates 805-226-9227
When faxing documents during office hours 8am to 4pm, (PST), you must first call
the office 805-227-9669 so the fax can be connected. During non-office
hours, the fax is automatically connected.
Overnight/Express Mail Packages
At this time Lewis Associates is only able to receive expedited mail
from the United States Post Office, no special Ground Services like UPS/FEDEX/DHL
When sending an expedited package, please use usps.com. Click on mailing
tools, then mailing products & services. The standard overnight
pricing begins at $14.40. Please remember to give this information
to your Letter of Recommendation writers!
Changes in Services
Dr. Lewis has been providing high-quality services for applicants
and prospective applicants for 22 years. In the coming months, there
will be a few changes that potential advisees should be aware of
- Lewis Associates' New Price
- After September 1, 2008, Year-Long Packages will
be discontinued for new Advisees. Applicants will still be able to
choose from our highly effective Assessment, Essay, Hourly, and
Interview Packages.
- Current Advisees will be able to continue working with Dr. Lewis
until Matriculation.
Where are you in your journey to a health profession?
In high school? (yes, we advise high school students,
particularly, those interested in BA-MD programs)
Just starting college? This is a scary time. Everything
is new…and how do I meet all those new expectations?
Moving into your difficult upper division sciences as a junior?
Possibly, the "dreaded organic chemistry"…
Re-entering as an "older" non-traditional student?
Re-establishing academic discipline…
We help prepare those of you submitting applications for medical
and dental residency programs, too!
Whatever niche you fit, we advise students just like you.
Class of 2008:If
you haven't yet gotten all of your letters of recommendation/evaluation
to your letter service or written your application personal statement,
then you are way...BEHIND!
Are you REALLY ready to apply this year?
How do you know?
Use our Personal Assessment--and you will be given your personal strategy
and path to your future!
Many whom I advise may not yet be ready and need to develop some aspect
of their background to become competitive. Best to apply when
you are ready, be competitive, and do it ONLY ONCE!
Let's work together to make that one-time application successful…earlier
is better so we can develop your strategy and address all those difficult
problems…months or years prior to application.
Why not set yourself up for success, rather than toy with the proposition
of failure?
Ariel Chairez, Scholarship Awardee, University of Wisconsin
Medical School Class 2004
2 May 2004
Dr. Lewis, I would like to thank you for all of your help. I have decided
to attend the
University of Wisconsin at Madison. I have withdrawn my applications
to the other medical schools. I will be taking anatomy in the
summer to lessen my course load for the
first semester. Without your guidance, I would not have been accepted
into medical school this year. Though at times I questioned your instructions,
the advice you have given me Has definitely worked out for the best.
I am extremely happy to have been accepted to one the top medical
schools in
the country, and on top of that to have received a scholarship of $130,000.
For any student who questions the value of your services, I can say
that they have saved me $130,000 in tuition! If I can help you in any
way in the future, I would be more than happy to do so. I would also
like to thank Alice for always being so exceptionally friendly and
Thank you, Ariel Chairez
Thanks from an Ex-Prosecuting Attorney, now medical student
John was an Assistant State's
Attorney (prosecutor) in Chicago, Illinois, when he contacted
me in 2004. Now in his 4th year of medical school, he says: "I
am really enjoying med school, and I am thankful to Dr. Lewis for
her help. Her methodical, disciplined approach to the med school
application process, as well as her insight into the transition to
med school were right on target."
John Fiszer, University Of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
Thanks from Lily Marouf, entering into Sackler University
Medical school in Tel Aviv Fall 2007:
"Dear Dr. Lewis, Thank you for all of your help the past year. It
was one of the most challenging years of my life, and I could not have been successful
without you. I appreciate all of your support and patience, and look forward
to sharing many memories with you when I come back to the States. Love,
What's New?
Track Record
CLASS OF 2007... 94% acceptance to
medical, dental and MS/MPH programs, one Class of 2007 applicant
now accepted into 2008 class and all applicants accepted into residency
programs of their choice.
Be Competitive
In order to be a competitive Class of 2008, 2009,
or 2010 applicant, you need to submit a quality application
as evaluated by your clinical, service and other experiences and your
GPA/MCAT/DAT/GRE, etc. profile--in a timely fashion. This requires
a well thought-out strategy to carry you through the difficult year-long
application process. If you use advising with Dr. Lewis, you will
find that we begin
preparation early in the year BEFORE submission of your application!
EARLY is always better, removes much pressure, and allows
time to solve unforeseen problems.
What are your chances?
If you want to change your career or reach your present career goal,
but do not know how to begin, or how to jump over all those hurdles,
Lewis Associates will advise and implement strategies to change your
Getting Started
Read about doing your Personal Assessment on our website,
then phone or email us
to get started! We spend on average 7 hours developing an effective
strategy of taking you from where you are to where you want to
You may be like our other Lewis Associates Advisees--highly motivated
and intelligent, but needing focus, guidance and specific technical
expertise. Dr. Lewis solves problems for her Advisees and finds opportunities
for them. Maybe you wish to use our hourly advising to solve one specific
Dr. Lewis is a trained biologist, having taught and directed her own
research programs for many years at two universities. She earned two
postdoctoral fellowships (one at NIH), received the 1990 NACADA
Outstanding Institutional Advising Program in the U.S. and directed
her own Health Careers Opportunity Program grant for 6 years,
bringing $1 million to her university.
If you are serious about making your dreams to become a physician,
dentist, physician assistant, veterinarian, optometrist, podiatrist,
naturopathic physician, or pharmacist a reality--Lewis
Associates can help you. We have made the difference for
almost 800 alumni now practicing in medicine the last 22
Dr. Lewis teaches Professionalism, Leadership, and Quality,...and
sets high standards for her Advisees.
Lewis Associates will save you money and heartache on your
preparation and application process.
Contact the health career experts! For
more information email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com. Call
805-226-9669 and ask to set up your first appointment.
Fires in Southern California.
San Diego County lost $1 Billion and several lives; Orange and Los Angeles Counties
still burning also as we go to press. Schools and colleges closed in San Diego
and other cities. At least a few of my Advisees evacuated their homes and
many more volunteered at the San Diego Qualcomm Stadium. One of my advisees
was speaking to me on her cell phone while recruiting refugees to stress reduction
massages and acupuncture (I found this out only after I asked what she was doing!).
Please re-read the Success Story of Ariel Chairez,
July 2004. Ariel's family lost their farm and all possessions in the
devastating California fires in fall 2003. I (Dr. Lewis) even had to
be evacuated from my home at that time. I tried to provide Ariel moral
support and Mentoring during that very difficult time when he was the
anchor for his parents to rebound and rebuild. He was successful in his
application process even as he was helping his parents deal with a loss
of their farm!
From: Robert Metzger
Subject: Re: San Diego County Fires 4th day
Sunday, October 28
Hi all,
We did drive up to see Marco, Linda and the grandkids yesterday. Interstate
15 had been closed and I had expected to see total devastation in areas where
the fire had been. In fact, we smelled the burned trees about 20 miles from
getting to I-15, and we did see a number of burned areas, in many cases on
both sides of the highway. We could see where the fire roared down to lay waste
to many homes along the Del Dios highway along Lake Hodges, but where I-15
is at the lake, we saw burned ground and standing houses, many with scorched
earth right up to their foundations. Let's give a lot of credit to our firemen;
that was unbelievable. I had expected the town of Rainbow along I-15 to be
razed to the ground, but most of the buildings were standing, some under the
same circumstances. In fact, they stopped the fire from moving up the canyon,
saving houses and some agricultural industries. The heavy destruction must
have been on the other side of a hill. But the pervasive smell of burned wood
was awful and there was plenty of smoke from 4 fires still only 25-30% controlled.
I ended up with incredible new respect for our firefighters. Today, the television
showed the burned down home of one of the firemen (Poway) who had been fighting
a different blaze. I think I can predict that enough donations from San Diegans
will come in that his house will be completely rebuilt.
The spirit among those
who lost their homes is incredible. I saw signs on television that people from
destroyed home put up. One said: "Fire
Sale. Everything must go". Another said: "At least we got
rid of our termite problem".
We found Marco, Linda and the kids
fine and in good spirits. They are up in an enclave on a hill above Riverside.
As we approached, we could look down into the valley in which it and San
Bernardino lie and see that the valley was filled with a thick, yellowish
smoke coming from the Lake Arrowhead fire.
And then there is FEMA. They called two press conferences yesterday,
giving reporters 15 minutes notice for one and 30 minutes notice for
the other. Few if any reporters got there, so FEMA had its employees
ask questions. One of them was: "What would you say the greatest
success of FEMA has been in this event?" and the spokesperson
modestly answered. This was given to the reporters for our TV stations.
The result, I think, did not turn out quite the way they expected and,
in fact, is yet another black eye for FEMA. Still, things are better
than they were with Katrina although I hear that there is a great deal
of the State and FEMA trying to get the other to handle certain cases.
Meanwhile, Schwartzenegger is still here, visiting refugee centers.
Today, a lot of firemen were given free tickets to the Charger game,
firemen led the team in, and the omnipresent Schwartzenegger was there
saying what a good thing it was to have a game in a stadium that 2
days before was an evacuation center. He said that it would make all
San Diegans feel good. Since San Diego won, he was right (and, incidentally,
I agree with him). Incidentally, the people going to the game donated
a mountain of money to the agencies directly in charge of the shelters
and the Spanos family, owners of the Chargers, donated a million dollars.
people were evacuated and something like 19,000 still haven't been
given the ok to go back. How did San Diego manage to get all those
people out of harms way, losing only 3 civilians in the process (lots
of injured firemen, unfortunately, but none dead)? The city and county
governments decided to use tax money (gasp!) to set up the equipment
to have a reverse 911 system. By this, all people in an area received
calls from the emergency center telling them to prepare to leave or
to leave period. That is, of course, the opposite of us calling 911
in an emergency to get help. Amusingly, one person is reported to have
sought assistance using the reverse 911 system by dialing 119. Strangely,
this did not work.
San Diego State educated almost all of the city and county
leaders plus a few congresspeople (note the political correctness) and,
it might be noted for those who are afraid we soft-brained, liberal, hedonistic
professors are going to brainwash all the students into leftist anarchists,
I will point out that everyone of these leaders is, at least by California
standards, conservative. I might also mention that the San Diego State
state of the art Imaging Laboratory, which takes satellite data and
creates detailed pictures, was an important part in fighting the fires.
Our guys (professors {gasp!} identified where fire hot spots were and
sent that information to the people assigning firemen and equipment.
The word is that this was very effective. The Department of Homeland
Security uses our facilities as well and occasionally we give courses
for them and vice versa. So those who think all universities provided
only useless fluff (ignoring all the doctors, nurses, criminologists,
armed forces officers, etc. etc. that we produce), contemplate that
(if they are capable of thought!)
The biggest of the fires, the Witch Creek fire, is 90% contained
and the Rice fire at Fallbrook is, I think 100% contained...There are
still fires burning with less than 50% control on Palomar Mountain
and I understand that more evacuations are in progress. More people
to thank: saw firemen from North Las Vegas, Nevada today. Note that
the West holds together.
The residents are back in Ramona but they still
have no water. The water system now has electricity restored but since
the pipes were emptied, the water has to be tested for safety for several
days. One of the relief agencies is bringing in bottled water. We had
a Santa Ana today and got a good whiff of the smell of burned wood, a
little scary, in fact, because we thought another fire might be starting
nearby. Fortunately, it wasn't so and the firemen were apparently not
hampered in their efforts to bring these fires under control. The weather
is due to be cooler with humidity, maybe even drizzle, tomorrow but there
is the threat of another Santa Ana coming. That is bad; with bad luck
we could go through all of this all over again. Best wishes Bob
Lawmakers at SCHIP impasse while funding ends in
Democrats pledged to introduce a slightly
modified children's health bill quickly in an attempt to achieve a veto-proof
Record number vied for 2007-08 medical school slots
Among allopathic applicants, MCAT scores were
better than ever before, with a mean of 28 points.
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara
I just returned from 5 days visiting the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara.
I have 2 students currently enrolled and another entering in 1/08. The
UAG starts clinical experience in the first term in the neighborhood
clinicas (you need to speak Spanish to converse with patients!). You
learn history taking and physical exams "early". Your
basic science classes, however, are in English.
Those attending liked the idea of being in Mexico rather than another
site farther from "home". Housing prices are inexpensive,
American shopping and entertainment are available, computer and Spanish
language courses are helpful, the food, supportive school atmosphere
and medical care are positive. One of my current students liked
in particular the idea that alternative medical approaches are integrated
into the clinicas. Peers in the NASA (North American Student
Association) are collaborative. All in all, a good pick for many students.
January 2008 MCAT registration
All seats will open at once on October
30, 2007 for the January 2008 MCAT - registration will not be staggered
by region for the opening of the January exam dates. The link to the registration system is
currently available via the 2007 MCAT Essentials still on the Web. We
made the link available within the 2008 Essentials and directly on the
MCAT web page. Examinees can register for their user names and
passwords, from any of these sources and then begin filling out their
biographic information if they wish to do so prior to the opening of
registration next week. The 2008 Essentials are now available.
AMA Directory
The American Medical Association (AMA) has a directory that
covers the majority of what are considered "allied health" professions
with online descriptions of each profession, from the annual directory.
Stress Relief
Everyone gets stressed out now and again, and it is important
to know the best way of dealing with it! This link provides brief tips
and tricks on how to mange stress. Enjoy.
Find these and other useful links on Lewisassoc.com's
Links Page.
alumni updates
Janelle Pieros
MSY A.T. Still at Mesa Arizona (see
9/07 Success Story)
October 8, 2007
Dear Dr. Lewis,
I would like to give you an update on my journey
into medical school. But first I would like to thank you for your help
in getting me where I am today. On August 2, 2007 I received
my white coat from Andrew Taylor Still University (ATSU) - School
of Osteopathic Medicine in Mesa, Arizona.
I can’t believe how time has flown by. I’ve
already gone through my first round of exams in the Principles
of Healthcare module; what a wake-up call. In the first
month, it was a struggle to get use to reviewing and studying
every day, especially since I haven’t taken a heavy course
load in over four years. However, my time spent teaching
students proper study skills and time management has helped me
figure out which skills work best for me. I’m
also very good at keeping a balance between learning and
life—making sure I exercise my body, mind and spirit.
I am enjoying the challenge of the new contextual learning curriculum. It
integrates systems and problem-based learning modules with a
focus on medical presenting schemes. We mostly work in
small groups using a Simulation man. The hands-on experience
is great! Looking at my first cadaver in anatomy lab was
mind-boggling. I first noticed the man’s clear facial
features and could only think about what kind of life this man
lived. Already, I have realized the need to focus on patient
history and the examination of anatomy and physiology in treating
my patients as a whole.
I am also realizing my new strengths, such as my palpations
and recognizing somatic dysfunction during Osteopathic Principles
and Practices. The facilitators are very supportive and
open to our suggestion for improving this innovative program.
It has been a challenging, a little stressful, but great start
to my journey into medical school. Thanks again for your
Janelle Pieros
Janelle Pieros |
Zaihleen Keller
MSY1 at Rosalind Franklin Medical
Zaihleen Keller |
Dr. Denise Zendejas
DDS general
dentist practicing in San Diego, CA
Dr. Denise Zendejas |
Watch for the Success Stories coming for these alumni!
success stories
The Power of 3: Fight, Believe, Walk…don’t run
By Michelle Garrido
Note by Dr. Lewis 10/28/07
Michelle is a second generation Cuban-American born and raised in the
Los Angeles area of California. Michelle contacted me in 2004 after
2 attempts at applying for medical school. We worked diligently on
MCAT preparation and all the application process (essays, new letters
of recommendation after adding more experiences, etc.) trying to
balance full-time high school teaching and completing a teaching
credential at the same time. This was tough! And, it took longer than Michelle
originally thought it might. But, her positive outcome is the most
important point! After doing well in the University of Illinois at
Chicago program for a year, she was accepted into their medical school
Class of 2007.
Last March, I had the opportunity to visit Michelle during a lovely
dinner out while I was in Chicago for a week of meetings. We
will be keeping in touch!
Michelle's story:
"Having applied 3 times to medical school is a testament to my fighting
skills. I never gave up, despite these setbacks. There had to be
a reason for these struggles, and I was determined to understand them. What
would I do if I didn’t go to medical school? This was the inevitable
question I did not want to answer, but I had no choice. I explored other
options like teaching and research and knew I needed intellectual stimulation
in whatever I chose. I did research, earning a master’s degree
in Biology. I taught high school for 3 years after taking 2 years to
earn my California secondary teaching credential. I knew there was a
purpose for my struggles, and accepting this alternative teaching career was
going to make me a better doctor. Being told at age 21 that attaining my dream
of practicing medicine was impossible only added fuel to the existing fire
within me. I fought like a champion, and the first two times was knocked
out. Giving up was never even an option. So, I just got back up,
regardless of the ego bruises.
The MCAT was one of those elusive battles that seemingly got the best
of me. I studied for months, took it 3 times, and yet did not
do well. I was working full-time, didn't prepare effectively
at any time, possibly not entirely focused on MCAT, and most importantly,
I doubted myself. I questioned if I could ever demonstrate my
academic potential.
Then…I started to believe in myself. Having a strong support
network of mentors and family consistently encouraged me. They
believed in me, but I did not believe in myself. Once I realized
this, I changed my outlook; my perception of reality. I knew
I was capable. I just needed to redirect my energy, and once
I did, another battle would be won!
Under the disciplined guidance of Dr. Lewis, I applied a third time
to medical schools. This time, UIC believed in me, and offered
me a position in their post-bac program, which was a great opportunity
for me, and was where I finally began to believe in myself, gaining
more confidence and independence. Moving away from my comfort
zone of home to Chicago was the first step in this transformation. I
was able to prepare intensely for the MCAT without the distractions
of work and family. I studied daily and practiced problems religiously. Eventually
miracles do occur and through persistence and faith in myself success
blossoms. I believe in walking towards one’s destination,
with one foot leading the other. I have learned through my 8
year struggle what I can do, and why this is my purpose. It just
feels right. I still struggle and question my abilities at times,
but I have learned to take deep breaths, walk rather than run, and
embrace life’s struggles. I remind myself of my journey
when studying for medical school exams, so I can focus, energize and
smile, knowing I have made it this far, and will continue walking my
path to becoming a doctor, and making dreams a reality! Cheers!"
Email to Dr. Lewis if you wish to
communicate about medical schools or other issues or to contact those
profiled in Success Stories: imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
question of the month
Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD
old is "too old" to apply to medical school?
Dr. Joseph DeLeeuw, age 89
Began medical school when he was 60..."enjoyed a long medical career, opened
a clinic catering to impoverished children in Florida, worked 7 days a week,
answered his own phone, and saw patients without appointments. His son
remembered his father asking him, 'You want to get repeat customers? One,
don't make them wait. Two, remember their names. Three, give them
more than they expected. Four, charge less than anyone else.' He created
an endowed scholarship at his alma mater, helping students with financial need
pay for their educations."
What do I do about "low" MCAT scores?
This is a very complex issue that requires personal assessment! Many
factors could have contributed to this outcome:
1. Unrealistic about the quantity and quality of preparation.
2. Not taking certain components of the exam seriously, e.g. the "essays"
3. Having significant test anxiety that paralyzes
4. Having an undiagnosed/diagnosed learning disability, ADHD or
other disability
5. Lack of time management, prioritization, study skills
6. Test site problems
So, we will tackle the second response this month, and then, the others
in ensuing months
It is important, perhaps crucial, to take a timed "diagnostic" full
length MCAT including 2 essays right before you believe you are actually
going to "study for the real test". This diagnostic
test will tell you exactly where your weaknesses lie, especially if
you take the free Princeton Review or Kaplan tests, which give you
feedback about your weak content and question types.
Many students realize that they are right-brained (great verbal and
communication skills) or left-brained (super analytical and mathematical
computation-logic skills) or are reasonably good at both, or are "poor
standardized test takers". Wherever you lie in this continuum,
you are bound to have weaknesses "somewhere". The question
is, after you identify them, how do you prepare for them? If they are
specific science content, it is obvious that you must review the concepts
diligently, and do MANY hours of practice passages with questions,
first un-timed, then timed. It is human to err on the side of
studying what you "like" most, like general chemistry, or
general biology. But, of course, you must put MOST of your effort
into studying the concepts which are most difficult,
like maybe genetics, physics, or organic chemistry….fill in
the blank for YOUR weak area.
Or, you may find that you do well in sciences because you just completed
the courses, earning A and B+ grades. However, you always were a "slow
reader" or never felt you could "write well". It
is easy to convince yourself that VR and the writing sample are "not
important". However, nothing could be further from the truth. The
AAMC regularly publishes studies that indicate that the VR test is
a good indicator of how students perform in their clinical years, thus
medical schools care about how one does on the VR exam and take low
scores to mean that you will NOT do well on the USMLE or COMLEX (Osteopathic)
Board exams, thus, why should they accept you? If your VR scores
are borderline, and you have a strong essay score (alphabetic score
J-T; O-P being the average), the essay score may mitigate a lower VR
score. You want ALL the help you can get so that folks who evaluate
you have clues that you CAN perform well on tests.
Next week we will give you the strategy, which took about 1.5 for
one of our Advisees to increase his VR score significantly. This
will require patience, tenacity and hard work.
We will feature an important question
each month. Please submit one that interests you for Dr. Lewis to
answer. Send your questions to imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with 'Newsletter Question' in the subject line.
lewis associates advising
Lewis Associates specializes in personal, effective and professional
premedical advising and placement for traditional and non-traditional
applicants. Often, non-traditional students are older than 21 years
of age, career changers, international applicants or second-round applicants
for admission to health professions school.
Lewis Associates' services meet the needs of all types of students from
pre-applicants to applicants, including hourly advising support for
specific needs. Click
"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
If this is how YOU feel, then, maybe Lewis Associates is the place
for you. Lewis Associates provides Mentoring and Coaching through
the rigorous and often circuitous pre-health preparation and application
process. Other consultants may support programs like Law and Business
or graduate school -- not Lewis Associates. We are the experts in
Health Professions based on 23 years of a successful
track record.
Call or email today to set your first appointment!
805.226.9669 imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
Copyright 2009, Lewis Associates. All rights reserved.
Please do not repost on any website without direct permission from Lewis
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any friends, classmates,
or colleagues you feel would find its contents beneficial. |