Associates e-Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 10
October 2007
Published by Lewis Associates. Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD., Editor
Email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with your comments. Enjoy!
What's inside:
Welcome to Lewis Associates!
We are getting ready to move into our permanent Templeton, California
office. The construction crew is currently 3 months ahead of schedule! Our
tentative moving date is the middle to end of November 2007, around
Thanksgiving. We will need at least a week to establish all our
new communication lines, pack, move and unpack. So, there will
likely be a period when Dr. Lewis will be consumed with this move. Hopefully,
Meagan will only be away from the phones for a couple of days. So,
Advisees, plan accordingly please!
Photo is taken from the hill across the lake from the new Lewis
Associates offices. Both interior and exterior work underway as
we write! |
The fall has been exceedingly busy, with all of the application cycle "stuff
to do", and the last MCAT's of 2007 in September; DATs, GREs,
PCATs, etc. Contact us to find out how we can support YOUR application
or help you plan for a future application to be successful.
Permanent Mailing Address
1885 Laguna del Campo, Templeton, CA 93465 |
805-226-9669 |
805 226-9227 |
Lewis Associates now absorbs Long Distance Charges
All appointments/phone conferences are made from our office to you.
Meagan, our Administrative Assistant, calls YOU at your appointment
time and transfers you to Dr. Lewis.
Faxing documents to Dr. Lewis, Lewis Associates 805-226-9227
When faxing documents during office hours 8am to 4pm, (PST), you must first call
the office 805-227-9669 so the fax can be connected. During non-office
hours, the fax is automatically connected.
Overnight/Express Mail Packages
At this time Lewis Associates is only able to receive expedited mail
from the United States Post Office, no special Ground Services like UPS/FEDEX/DHL
When sending an expedited package, please use usps.com. Click on mailing
tools, then mailing products & services. The standard overnight
pricing begins at $14.40. Please remember to give this information
to your Letter of Recommendation writers!
Changes in Services
Dr. Lewis has been providing high-quality services for applicant
for over 20 years. In the coming months, there will be a few changes
that potential advisees should be aware of
- Last Chance for old rates! On November
1, 2007 Lewis Associates' rates will go up. Call today before its
too late!
- After September 1, 2008, Year-Long Packages will
be discontinued for new Advisees. Applicants will still be able to
choose from our highly effective Assessment, Essay, Hourly, and
Interview Packages after September 1, 2008.
- Current Advisees will be able to continue working with Dr. Lewis
until Matriculation.
Where are you in your journey to a health profession?
In high school? (yes, we advise high school students,
particularly, those interested in BA-MD programs)
Just starting college? This is a scary time. Everything
is new…and how do I meet all those new expectations?
Moving into your difficult upper division sciences as a junior?
Possibly, the "dreaded organic chemistry"…
Re-entering as an "older" non-traditional student?
Re-establishing academic discipline…
We help prepare those of you submitting applications for medical
and dental residency programs, too!
Whatever niche you fit, we advise students just like you.
Class of 2008:If
you haven't yet gotten all of your letters of recommendation/evaluation
to your letter service or written your application personal statement,
then you are way...BEHIND!
Are you REALLY ready to apply this year?
How do you know?
Use our Personal Assessment--and you will be given your personal strategy
and path to your future!
Many whom I advise may not yet be ready and need to develop some aspect
of their background to become competitive. Best to apply when
you are ready, be competitive, and do it ONLY ONCE!
Let's work together to make that one-time application successful…earlier
is better so we can develop your strategy and address all those difficult
problems…months or years prior to application.
Why not set yourself up for success, rather than toy with the proposition
of failure?
[Annonymous] (Class 2007)
[The applicant's] mother
says, "We are so happy about [her] acceptance
this year! We could not have done this without you! We would
like to express our appreciation and gratitude for helping make possible
[our daughter's] admission to medical school. [She] is so happy and
excited to be already in medical school. [Our daughter's] happiness
gives our family a reason to be happy. We saw how you guided our
daughter step-by-step to help her in the application process and we thank
you very much for it."
Thanks from an Ex-Prosecuting Attorney, now medical student
John was an Assistant State's
Attorney (prosecutor) in Chicago, Illinois, when he contacted
me in 2004. Now in his 4th year of medical school, he says: "I
am really enjoying med school, and I am thankful to Dr. Lewis for
her help. Her methodical, disciplined approach to the med school
application process, as well as her insight into the transition to
med school were right on target."
John Fiszer, University Of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
Thanks from Lily Marouf, entering into Sackler University
Medical school in Tel Aviv Fall 2007:
"Dear Dr. Lewis, Thank you for all of your help the past year. It
was one of the most challenging years of my life, and I could not have been successful
without you. I appreciate all of your support and patience, and look forward
to sharing many memories with you when I come back to the States. Love,
What's New?
Track Record
CLASS OF 2007... 94% acceptance to
medical, dental and MS/MPH programs, one Class of 2007 applicant
now accepted into 2008 class and all applicants accepted into residency
programs of their choice.
Be Competitive
In order to be a competitive Class of 2008, 2009,
or 2010 applicant, you need to submit a quality application
as evaluated by your clinical, service and other experiences and your
GPA/MCAT/DAT/GRE, etc. profile--in a timely fashion. This requires
a well thought-out strategy to carry you through the difficult year-long
application process. If you use advising with Dr. Lewis, you will
find that we begin
preparation early in the year BEFORE submission of your application!
EARLY is always better, removes much pressure, and allows
time to solve unforeseen problems.
What are your chances?
If you want to change your career or reach your present career goal,
but do not know how to begin, or how to jump over all those hurdles,
Lewis Associates will advise and implement strategies to change your
Getting Started
Read about your Personal Assessment on our website,
then phone or email us
to get started! We spend on average 7 hours developing an effective
strategy of taking you from where you are to where you want to
You may be like our other Lewis Associates Advisees--highly motivated
and intelligent, but needing focus, guidance and specific technical
expertise. Dr. Lewis solves problems for her Advisees and finds opportunities
for them. Maybe you wish to use our hourly advising to solve one specific
Dr. Lewis is a trained biologist, having taught and directed her own
research programs for many years at two universities. She earned two
postdoctoral fellowships (one at NIH), received the 1990 NACADA
Outstanding Institutional Advising Program in the U.S. and directed
her own Health Careers Opportunity Program grant for 6 years,
bringing $1 million to her university.
If you are serious about making your dreams to become a physician,
dentist, physician assistant, veterinarian, optometrist, podiatrist,
naturopathic physician, or pharmacist a reality--Lewis
Associates can help you. We have made the difference for
almost 800 alumni now practicing in medicine the last 22
Dr. Lewis teaches Professionalism, Leadership, and Quality,...and
sets high standards for her Advisees.
Lewis Associates will save you money and heartache on your
preparation and application process.
Contact the health career experts! For
more information email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com. Call
805-226-9669 and ask to set up your first appointment.
What Does it Mean to be
a Physician?
The October 2007 issue of Academic Medicine has
a great
editorial by Michael Whitcomb following up on previous and similar
editorials on "What does it mean to be a physician?" It
goes into the 3 major personal attributes (simplistic as that can be)
that the ideal physician must possess. Click here for article.
Osteopathic Medical School statistics
The matriculated Class of 2006 had a 3.37 science GPA; VR 8.4, PS 8.1,
essay P and BS 8.7 MCAT scores
- Processing takes 3-6 weeks AFTER all transcripts are received and
the application is submitted.
- There are 2 types of academic record: undergraduate and professional
(generally a graduate program)
- Make sure you understand the Osteopathic medical
- Cost: $ 155 for the first school and $35/school
on a sliding scale to $25/school after the first 10 schools. The
fee waiver program provides the first 3 schools free and is limited
in how many are available--APPLY EARLY! f you applied and
were screened as eligible, but did NOT get a waiver, you are eligible
for waivers for secondary fees.
- AACOMAS provides for changes during the application process: transcripts,
name, email, SSN, etc.
- Check your STATUS often:
GPA calculations after processing (note that science include Bio,
chem., physics only; non-science includes math)
Designations (schools of application)
- Applicants can select more than one ethnicity
- These need to be inputted in chronological order:
Work, extra-curricular experiences
- Honors include publications
- DEADLINES for complete individual school submission
are listed from October through April, BUT early is best because
late applicants are generally applying only for wait list positions.
New Osteopathic Medical Schools
AACOM welcomed 2 new colleges:
Pacific Northwest University
College of Osteopathic Medicine (PNWUCOM)
and Rocky Vista University (RVUCOM).
Osteopathic Medical statistics
Today's colleges
of Osteopathic medicine (COMs) annually educate and train some 15,500
medical students. In 2006, Osteopathic medical students accounted for
nearly 21 % of all U.S. medical students.The increasing
numbers of COMs, combined with increased class sizes, will allow Osteopathic
medical education to play an even greater role in helping the nation
contend with its projected physician workforce shortages.
Current projections indicate that COMs will graduate more than 4,300
physicians in 2012.
Osteopathic Colleges Boast 9 % First-Year Enrollment Growth
First-year enrollment in the 23 colleges of osteopathic medicine and
3 branch campuses enrolling students this year is 4,408, compared with
4,055 in 2006. This growth mainly reflects enrollment of first-year
students at 3 new colleges and planned growth at several others. Total
fall 2007 enrollment in the 23 Osteopathic medical colleges and 3 branch
campuses is 15,586. This is an increase of 8 % over fall 2006 enrollment.
In Class 2005, 45% of graduates matched in Osteopathic residencies;
matched in allopathic or military residencies.
Five-Year Osteopathic medical Strategic Plan
Western University is launching 3 new colleges: Dental Medicine, Optometry
and Podiatric Medicine website westernu.edu
CCOM Students Roll up Their Sleeves to Help Nonprofits
Before putting on their surgical masks and hitting the books this fall,
173 freshmen medical students donned work gloves, wielded mops, and
brandished hedge clippers as part of Midwestern University's Chicago
College of Osteopathic Medicine (CCOM) annual service project. More...
DMU Receives $1.9 Million to Improve Rural Health Care Access Des
Moines University (DMU) is embarking on a project to improve the availability
of health care in Iowa's rural areas. The university has received a
$1.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). This grant matches
the money DMU will put toward the school's $3.8 million, three-year
project to create four AHECs. The DMU-organize
UNTHSC Osteopathic Research Center Receives NIH Grant
The Osteopathic Research Center at the University of North Texas Health
Science Center (UNTHSC) as received a four-year Research Education
Project Partnership Grant (R25) from the National Institutes of Health's
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This
grant of $758,000 will support the integration of biomedical research
competencies into the osteopathic medical school curriculum.
TOUROCOM Welcomes First Students
The Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - New York (TOUROCOM) opened
its doors to its first 135 students on September 4. Located just
across the street from the famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, TOUROCOM's
mission includes increasing the number of underrepresented minorities
(URMs) in the profession and developing DOs who are committed to
serving the underserved. Fifty-one percent of the new students are
members of ethnic minority groups; 12 percent are members of URM
groups. TOUROCOM's inaugural class is 64 percent male and 36 percent
Opening Day Greeted with Cheers, Anticipation from Tennessee's Newest
Medical Students
When the online countdown clock of Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk
College of Osteopathic Medicine (LMU-DCOM), located in Harrogate, Tennessee,
ticked down to zero on August 1, the members of the inaugural class
were ready.
ATSU School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona Officially Opens
On July 31, ATSU officially opened the School of Osteopathic Medicine
in Arizona (SOMA). The school is welcoming 106 students into its
osteopathic medical program and will operate using a unique curriculum
model and strategic health partnerships.
New Osteopathic 2008 College Information Book
The latest edition of AACOM's Osteopathic Medical College Information
Book is now available at aacom.org/data/cib.
This comprehensive resource for prospective students, applicants,
and health professions advisors includes entrance requirements, admissions
procedures and deadlines, financial aid resources, and other valuable
information. In addition, the book provides detailed descriptions of
each of the nation's colleges of Osteopathic medicine.
Find these and other useful links on Lewisassoc.com's
Links Page.
alumni updates
Kelly Dorsey
MSY1 at Loyola University Medical School |
Kelly Dorsey and Boyfriend at her White Coat Ceremony |
Dr. Daniel Calac, MD
(HCOP alumnus from the Class 1995)
Graduate of Harvard Medical School, UCLA Internal Medicine/Pediatrics combined
Indian Health Council, Medical Director
Dr. Calac invited Dr. Lewis to give an in-service
training to his NIH grant staff at San Diego State University about
academic and personal support systems and the application process
for medical school.
Watch for the Success Stories coming for these alumni!
success stories
by Dr. Cynthia Lewis
Rena Sarhangian
University of Arizona (Arizona resident), Entering Class of 2007
Rena Sarhangian
As I sat in the familiar UCLA classroom taking the MCAT for the second
time, I felt confident, secure and ready to give the test my best shot. Less
than a year before, I had a vastly different experience taking the
same exam. After spending many hours studying the material, reviewing
difficult concepts and attending MCAT prep classes, when the test arrived
I felt stressed, anxious and ill-prepared. When I got my score,
I was surprised at how much lower it was than my practice test scores
had been, and knew that if I was to be successful in taking this test,and
ultimately, getting into medical school, I was going to need the right
support to make significant changes.
After hearing about Dr. Lewis from a friend, I soon realized that she could provide
the expertise, experience and assistance that I would need. During her
initial assessment, we discussed my journey to medicine and the obstacles that
I would face and need to overcome. My low MCAT score we concluded was most
likely a result of test anxiety because I had prepared so extensively for the
exam. Over the next several months she designed and then helped me implement
a comprehensive plan to improve my score on the MCAT that included dealing with
my test anxiety by meeting with a relaxation specialist, adequately reviewing
the material by re-taking the prep class and being accountable for my study time
by keeping a tracking sheet. As I talked with Dr. Lewis, she repeatedly
instilled within me the confidence and belief in myself that I had been lacking. Her
help gave me more confidence in my ability to overcome difficult and seemingly
unsurpassable obstacles, which was a crucial component to my success.
My score significantly improved the second time I took the MCAT. I was
now within the range of accepted applicants and felt more confident moving ahead
to the next step in the application process. Dr. Lewis helped me gather
my letters of recommendation and work on my personal statement early in the year
so that we would be prepared to submit them in the summer. During the spring
semester of my senior year, having Dr. Lewis as a Mentor and coach helped me
learn to study more effectively which along with my greater confidence allowed
me to earn higher grades in difficult upper division courses. A large hindrance
to my academic success in the past had been due to overextending myself, which
had resulted in lots of hard work with disappointingly less then perfect grades. Dr.
Lewis helped me recognize this and we developed a more realistic course load
in which I could be successful.
As we began to work on the secondary applications, I still wasn't sure
whether or not I would gain acceptance into medical school but I felt confident
in knowing that I had truly given it my best effort with the help of an excellent
coach. I was excited to receive my interview invitations and worked hard
to thoroughly prepare to meet with faculty, professors and students. My
mock interviews with Dr. Lewis helped me prepare for difficult questions and
begin to formulate answers to controversial topics and recent political events
regarding healthcare and medicine. This tremendously boosted my confidence
by giving me the experience I needed before entering the actual interview. My
mock interviews with Dr. Lewis were harder than my actual interviews!
I gained acceptance into my first choice medical school and I know that Dr. Lewis
was a major reason for my success. The help that she provided greatly enhanced
my application by strengthening my weak areas and teaching me to effectively
write about myself and my interests in the AMCAS essay and secondary applications. Dr.
Lewis’ guidance and support was invaluable during the preparation and application
periods and the confidence in myself that she helped me gain will continue to
play an important role in my continued academic and professional success.
Email to Dr. Lewis if you wish to
communicate about medical schools or other issues or to contact those
profiled in Success Stories: imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
question of the month
Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD
What do I do about "low" MCAT scores?
This is a very complex issue that requires personal assessment!
Many factors could have contributed to this outcome:
- Unrealistic about the quantity and quality of preparation.
- Not taking certain components of the exam seriously,
e.g. the "essays"
- Having significant test anxiety that paralyzes
- Having an undiagnosed/diagnosed learning disability, ADHD or other
- Lack of time management, prioritization, study skills
- Test site problems
So, we will tackle the first response this month, and then, the others
in ensuing months
For years, I have heard premedical applicants put a study schedule
together that is "unrealistic". Applicants may take
on too much in the way of course load, paid work, extracurricular activities,
family issues…. some or even ALL of these! during the period
prior to the scheduled dreaded MCAT. Usually, being unrealistic
is just due to naiveté, but often it is borne of fear of failure. The
psychology goes: if I studied diligently for this exam and don't
do well, then "I am a failure". But, if I don't really
study hard and then fail, I can say I "didn't have the 'time
or energy…fill in the blank…' to study enough.
So, that is why I have test prep logs that I ask applicants to send
me weekly, so we can discuss strategy throughout the entire prep period…fine
tune it where necessary, and it makes you ACCOUNTABLE…to yourself
and to me. This turns out to be a key important activity for
many applicants. We also have a daily log that you can use for
your personal planning and accountability.
The MCAT (and DAT, PCAT, GRE) is a "full time" job,
if you are really serious. Each of us has different
natural academic gifts (verbal and quantitative reasoning skills),
but generally, one needs to harness all study skills, those natural
abilities and put real elbow grease into them..
And, we each come to this task with different study skills. Some
people have English as a second language and have other cultural norms.
These backgrounds make the MCAT more of a challenge.
If you can afford a prep class (Kaplan, Princeton Review and Berkeley
Review are expensive; Dr. Flowers MCAT and Exam Krackers are less expensive
and many find them helpful), great. But, lots of applicants see
a course as a brain feeder system...i.e., just show
up and your brain will be fed…without "much effort on my
part". Guess, what? That is a "no go".
I advise all applicants that 300 hours of focused study, of content
and test-taking strategies is the right ballpark for MOST people to
do well. So, an effective PERSONAL test taking strategy addresses
many variables, including how long ago did I take the science subjects
tested, how well did I learn them (grades, skills), what are my standardized
test taking skills? ETC. This is a complex issue. Mass produced
answers are just not very effec
tive. Some may defer the test to "summer" when
their intentions are to focus on test prep, but then get sidetracked
with a vacation, with family problems, with having to retake a class
they thought they passed….etc.
So, planning and accountability and being realistic about
what is the effective quantity and quality of effort is a personal
is the key to success!
We will feature an important question each month. Please submit one
that interests you for Dr. Lewis to answer. Send your questions to
imaclewis@lewisassoc.com with 'Newsletter Question' in the subject
We will feature an important question
each month. Please submit one that interests you for Dr. Lewis to
answer. Send your questions to imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with 'Newsletter Question' in the subject line.
lewis associates advising
Lewis Associates specializes in personal, effective and professional
premedical advising and placement for traditional and non-traditional
applicants. Often, non-traditional students are older than 21 years
of age, career changers, international applicants or second-round applicants
for admission to health professions school.
Lewis Associates' services meet the needs of all types of students from
pre-applicants to applicants, including hourly advising support for
specific needs. Click
"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
If this is how YOU feel, then, maybe Lewis Associates is the place
for you. Lewis Associates provides Mentoring and Coaching through
the rigorous and often circuitous pre-health preparation and application
process. Other consultants may support programs like Law and Business
or graduate school -- not Lewis Associates. We are the experts in
Health Professions based on 23 years of a successful
track record.
Call or email today to set your first appointment!
805.226.9669 imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
Copyright 2009, Lewis Associates. All rights reserved.
Please do not repost on any website without direct permission from Lewis
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any friends, classmates,
or colleagues you feel would find its contents beneficial. |