Associates e-Newsletter
Volume 7 Issue 4
April 2008
Published by Lewis Associates. Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD., Editor
Email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with your comments. Enjoy!
What's inside:
Welcome to Success Stories Newsletter!
Current Students' Progress
How to Communicate With Us
Changes in Services
Your journey to a health profession
Are You Ready for the Class of 2009?
Track Record
Be Competitive
Getting Started
Featured News:
New AMCAS 2009 medical school electronic Letter
Three New Medical Schools Join AAMC Membership
AAMC poll about doctor workforce
...and More
Medical Humanities Initiative
Dr. Jesus Valadez-Herrera, Harvard
Medical School graduate
Huy Ho, Class 2008, accepted to top choice Touro University, California,
School of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Adam Carewe, New York Medical College School of Medicine 2008
Dr. Stacia Bier, George Washington University School of Medicine
2008 graduate
Nat Kittisarapong, NOVA Southeastern School of Osteopathic Medicine,
Entering Class of 2006; Medical Mission to Guatemala
Story of the Month
June Yoshii, Tri-cultural Japanese-Mexican-American,
Medical Student Year 1, University of Iowa
of the Month
Will "any" health professions
do? Our
Welcome to Lewis Associates!
Current Students'
Advisees applying for the entering Class of 2008 are making fantastic
progress. 93% of Lewis Associates 2008 Applicants are accepted
into medical, dental, veterinary pharmacy and naturopathic medical
schools, several into their top choice! Congratulations to all!
If you are interested in personalized advising from “The
Best in the Business,” (quote by Dr. Patrick Linson,
Harvard Medical School Alum who is the only Native American Radiation
Oncologist on the planet!), call Lewis Associates today to schedule
YOUR personal assessment. Dr. Lewis invests in you, so you may live
up to your potential to be the best applicant you can be!
Dr. Lewis' note: Dr. Linson has just installed the newest, most
advanced Radiation Surgery machine in the world in his Vista, California,
medical office…even a step up from the ones at Stanford and
Harvard! Congratulations to Dr. Linson. Click here to see the news
to Communicate With Us
Mailing Address 1885
Laguna del Campo, Templeton, CA 93465 |
Phone 805-226-9669
and 805-237-7656 |
Fax 805-226-9227 |
Lewis Associates absorbs Long Distance Charges
All appointments/phone conferences are made from our office to you.
Marcia, our Administrative Assistant, calls YOU at your appointment
Changes in Services
- After
September 1, 2008, Year-Long Packages will be discontinued for new
Advisees. If you are considering long-term advising, this
is the year to lock in your Advising Agreement with us.
- After September 1, 2008, Applicants will still be
able to select from our highly effective Assessment, Essay, Hourly,
and Interview Packages.
- Current Advisees will continue working with Dr. Lewis
until Matriculation.
Where are you in
your journey to a health profession?
In high school? (yes, we advise high school students,
particularly, those interested in BA-MD programs)
Just starting college? This is a scary time. Everything
is new…how do I meet all those new expectations?
Moving into your difficult upper division sciences as a junior?
Possibly, the "dreaded organic chemistry"…
Re-entering as an "older" non-traditional student?
Re-establishing academic discipline…
We help prepare those of you submitting applications for medical
and dental residency programs, too!
Whatever niche you fit, we advise students just like you.
you REALLY ready to apply for the Class of 2009?
How do you know?
Use our Personal Assessment--and you will be given
your personal strategy and path to your future!
Many whom I advise may not yet be ready and need to develop some aspect
of their background to become competitive. Best to apply when
you are ready, be competitive, and do it ONLY ONCE!
Let's work together to make that one-time application successful…earlier
is better so we can develop your strategy and address all those difficult
problems…months or years prior to application.
Why not set yourself up for success, rather than toy with the proposition
of failure?
Margaret Jolley, Accepted to UCSD School of Medicine
Class of 2008
"I never would’ve made it without my weekly conference
with the calm, experienced Dr. Lewis. She kept me sane. I am so grateful
for her guidance, for her editing help, and for the confidence she instilled
in me. She is a genuinely caring committed Mentor who takes pride in helping
our dreams happen. I have urged every fellow student I know to call her.
Let her help you, too!"
Ariel Chairez,
Scholarship Awardee, University of Wisconsin Medical School Class 2004
Dr. Lewis, I would like to thank you for all of your help. I
have decided to attend the University of Wisconsin and have
withdrawn my applications to other schools. I will
be taking anatomy in the summer to lessen my course-load the
first semester. Without
your guidance, I would not have been accepted
into medical school this year. I am extremely happy to have been accepted
to one of the top medical schools in the country, and to have received
a scholarship
of $130,000. For any student who questions the value of your services,
I can say that you have saved me $130,000 in tuition!
Thank you.
John Fiszer, University Of Illinois at Chicago College
of Medicine Class of 2005
Dr. Lewis' note: John was an Assistant State's Prosecuting Attorney in Chicago,
Illinois, when he contacted me in 2004. Now in his 4th year of medical school,
he says: "I am really enjoying med school, and I am thankful to Dr. Lewis
for her help. Her methodical, disciplined approach to the med school application
process, as well as her insight into the transition to med school were right
on target."
Thanks from Lily Marouf, Sackler University
Medical school (Tel Aviv) Class of 2007
"Dear Dr. Lewis, Thank you for all of your help the past year. It
was one of the most challenging years of my life, and I could not have been successful
without you. I appreciate all of your support and patience, and look forward
to sharing many memories with you when I come back to the States."
Track Record
CLASS OF 2007...97% acceptance to medical, dental and MS/MPH programs,
one Class of 2007 applicant accepted into 2008 Class and all applicants
accepted into medical and dental Residency programs of their choice.
CLASS OF 2008...93% acceptance plus 1 currently waitlisted to medical,
dental, pharmacy and naturopathic medical schools.
Be Competitive
In order to be a competitive Class of 2009,
or 2010 applicant, you need to submit a quality application
as evaluated by your clinical, service and other experiences and your
GPA/MCAT/DAT/GRE, etc. profile--in a timely fashion. This requires
a well thought-out strategy to carry you through the difficult year-long
application process. If you use Dr. Lewis' advising, we
begin preparation early in the year BEFORE submission of your application!
EARLY is always better, removes much pressure, and allows
time to solve unforeseen problems and challenges.
What are your chances?
If you want to change your career, or reach your present career goal,
but do not know how to begin, or how to jump over all those hurdles,
Lewis Associates will advise you and implement strategies to change
your life.
Getting Started
Read about Dr. Lewis doing your Personal Assessment on
our website,
then phone or email us
to get started! We spend on average 7 hours developing an effective
strategy of taking you from where you are to where you want to
You may be like our other Lewis Associates Advisees--highly motivated
and intelligent, but needing focus, guidance and specific technical
expertise. Dr. Lewis solves problems for her Advisees and finds opportunities
for them. Or you may wish to use hourly advising to solve one specific
Dr. Lewis is a trained Biologist, having taught and directed her own
research programs for many years at two universities. She earned two
postdoctoral fellowships (one at NIH), received the 1990 NACADA
Outstanding Institutional Advising Program in the U.S. and directed
her own Health Careers Opportunity Program grant for 6 years,
bringing $1 million to her university.
If you are serious about making your dreams to become a physician,
dentist, physician assistant, veterinarian, optometrist, podiatrist,
naturopathic physician, or pharmacist a reality--Lewis
Associates can help you. We have made the difference for
almost 800 alumni now practicing in medicine the last 23
Dr. Lewis teaches Professionalism, Leadership, and Quality,
and sets high standards for her Advisees.
Lewis Associates will save you money and heartache on your
preparation and application process.
Contact the Health Career experts! For
more information email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com.
Call 805-226-9669 to set up your first appointment.
Featured News
New AMCAS 2009 medical school electronic Letter Service
AMCAS will launch an electronic AMCAS Letters pilot for the 2009 entering
class admissions cycle. Pilot schools include: Baylor, Boston, Creighton, East
Tennessee State, Georgetown, Harvard, Meharry, Mercer, Penn State, temple, Texas
A&M, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, South Florida, Virginia,
Washington, Cornell.
Three New Medical Schools Join AAMC Membership
AAMC has added three new medical schools to its membership, following
the recent decision by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education to
grant these schools provisional accreditation. The new schools are: Texas
Tech University's Paul L. Foster School of Medicine at El Paso, Texas;
the Florida International University College of Medicine, Miami, Florida;
and the University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, Florida.
These additions bring the total number of accredited allopathic U.S.
medical schools to 129.
Information: Go to www.ttuhsc.edu/fostersom, medicine.fiu.edu,
and www.med.ucf.edu.
from AAMC-Stat, February 25, 2008
AAMC poll about doctor workforce
A recent poll conducted by the AAMC
revealed that a majority of voters believe there are too few doctors in
America currently and there will continue to be an inadequate supply of
physicians 10 years from now.

COMMENT: Tell us what YOU think about the need for doctors in the US
and abroad by emailing imaclewis@lewisassoc.com.
New Commonwealth Fund chartbook on racial and ethnic disparities
Research continues to show that minorities in the U.S. are in poorer health,
have more difficulty accessing health care and are more likely to receive
lower quality care. The Commonwealth Fund has published a new collection
of charts to serve as a valuable resource for understanding disparities
and creating viable solutions. View (PDF, 715KB) the chartbook.
Students lose empathy for patients during medical school
It only takes a year to start draining empathy from future physicians,
according to a study of medical students in the March issue of Academic
Medicine. But empathy is a key quality medical schools should promote,
experts said, because it makes for better physicians. (More)
Medicine and Personhood
The theme of this month's Virtual Mentor sounds theoretical in the extreme,
the purview of philosophers and theologians. But the questions posed by
the concept—"Are all humans persons?" "When does personhood
begin and when does it end?" "Is one view of personhood enshrined
by scientific medicine?" "Is there clinical significance to the
concept of personhood?"—these are central to medical practice
and become more relevant with every advance in scientific understanding
of the brain, the mind, and the connection between the two. (More)
Medical Humanities Initiative
Find these and other useful links on Lewisassoc.com's
Links Page.
alumni updates
Please note that many of Dr. Lewis' alumni have been tracked down recently
and we mention a few here. Some Harvard graduates will be highlighted
in the next several newsletters.

Jesus and Kim Grueneisen,
Flying Samaritans in Mexico
in March, 2008
Dr. Jesus Valadez-Herrera
Harvard Medical School graduate, entering
Class of 1991, now a Mentor to the "second generation" of
Lewis Advisees.
Dr. Valadez (far left) Mentors Mrs. Grueneisen (second from
left), a Class of 2009 Lewis Associates applicant. |
Huy Ho and Dr. Lewis
Huy Ho
Class 2008, accepted to top choice
Touro University, California, School of Osteopathic Medicine
"Dear Dr. Lewis,
Thank you for being my coach throughout my medical school application
journey. There were times where I lost focus as the whole process
seemed quite overwhelming, but thank you for helping me to
remain focused on my ultimate goal of becoming a physician
and to see the bigger picture. Knowing that you have tremendous
experience in the med school application process was very reassuring.
Thank you for your patience, positive support, and belief in
me, which has helped me to achieve my dream of becoming a physician
and to help my community. Many thanks again!
Sincerely, Huy Ho" |
Dr. Adam Carewe and wife
Dr. Adam Carewe (and fiancé Beth)
graduated from New York Medical College, 2008
Dr. Lewis has the privilege of attending
Adam and Beth's wedding in Denver this May.
"Beth and I are off to Denver for residency
(Exempla - St Joseph Hospital). We already loved it there last
Sept, so we know we will fit right in. Although we won't be near
any of our family, we will now have a perfect reason for all
of you to visit us for a winter ski/board trip."
Stacia Bier
Stacia Bier
George Washington University
School of Medicine 2008 graduate
Stacia Bier, George Washington University School of Medicine
2008 graduate writes " Dear Dr. Lewis,
I wanted to let you know that I matched in Pediatrics
at Baylor/Texas Childrens. This was my number 1 choice,
as I want to focus on nutrition and preventive medicine. They
have the only pediatric nutrition research center in the US,
so this is the perfect fit for me. I am so delighted that
I will be training there. Thank you for all of your help
over the years. You are a gem!"
Nat Kittisarapong
Nat Kittisarapong
NOVA Southeastern School of Osteopathic Medicine, Entering
Class of 2006
Medical Mission to Guatemala
Our team of 40 volunteers consisting of physicians, nurses,
EMT's, pre-med students, and first through 4th year students,
and Residents went to Guatemala for 10 days in January 2008.
Upon arrival, we were greeted unexpectedly by representatives of
the First Lady of Guatemala and our group leader spoke at a
press conference about DO-CARE's mission trips to Guatemala.
We worked for 4 days, seeing over 100 patients each day at
each of 2 sites in the mountain villages of Lake Atitlan. During
that time, first, second, and 4th year students such as
myself worked alongside physicians and Residents to diagnose
patients and run blood work or parasite labs. First years and
pre-meds were able to learn and practice techniques that they
will learn in med school second year (as shown in the picture).
We had Mayan translators for the many villagers who could not
speak Spanish, but a Mayan dialect. We saw parasitic infections,
skin conditions, cavities, and numerous interesting cases such
as a pterygium, which is an epithelial overgrowth (in the eye
of a lady). We gave away soap, pens, pencils, vitamins,
and prescribed as well as provided medications free of charge.
It was a wonderful experience to learn and improve our medical
and language skills, and a great chance to learn about another
culture. |
Watch for Success Stories coming for some of these alumni!
success story
Japanese Mexican American in Medical School: June
University of Iowa, 1st Year--PART II
Yoshii at the Great Wall of China |
June's story is continued from the March,
2008 newsletter. We
left off when June graduated from UCLA in 2001 with a low GPA and no
MCAT exam scores.
June began working full-time in Geriatric Clinical Research, assessing
the quality of care of elderly residents in nursing homes for a year
and half. She learned about research and worked hard in two major projects,
where she earned co-authorship in four publications. June left
geriatrics to work in Neuro-Imaging research at UCLA, studying the
development of the brain using MRI. She was given co-authorship in
two publications for her excellent work. She also began studying for
the MCAT, took it and applied for medical school for 2004. She was
waitlisted, but did not get in.
June moved back to San Diego and enrolled in classes in UCSD in order
to improve her GPA. She did not know what to take, so she took Biomedical
Imaging, Elements of International Medicine, and Experimental Techniques.
She felt lost and began looking for advising services. June also began
working in the Neuro-Imaging lab at UCSD, where she earned another
co-authorship in another publication. She found Dr. Lewis in 2005 and
we began working to improve her GPA to make her a competitive candidate.
She re-took physics, biochemistry, genetics, and also took human physiology,
immunology, critical reading & thinking, and statistics.
June prepared to take the MCAT again and applied for medical school
for the Class of 2007. She had numerous interviews, and was accepted
in several schools, both Allopathic and Osteopathic, but she was waitlisted
in her top choice, the University of Iowa. It was a long summer
of waiting, and June continued to keep in close contact with Iowa where
she was accepted in the summer for the graduating Class of 2011.
Email to Dr. Lewis if you wish to
communicate about medical schools or other issues or to contact those
profiled in Success Stories: imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
question of the month
Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD
Will "any" health professions do?
This question was posted recently on a listserv:
"One of my students applied to dental school, knowing that her DAT score
would probably not be sufficient, and she was declined. In all other respects,
she is a stellar applicant. Without consulting me, she also applied to a college
of pharmacy and was accepted for Fall 2008. If she retakes the DAT, gets a higher
score, and applies to dental school again next year as a 1st year pharmacy student,
will any dental school take her seriously? She is inclined to think that Pharmacy
could be her temporary location until she gets into dental school."
I always advise that a student be focused on and ready to apply to
the health professions school that they "really" want. Generally,
dental schools don't want students who are not committed to becoming
a dentist; pharmacy schools do not want "frustrated" premedical
students, etc.
Why? Because: #1 you may drop out and not complete
the degree, #2 you are taking someone else's spot who IS committed!,
and #3 you are essentially not telling the truth throughout your entire
application process.
Do health professions schools want students who are not truthful?
Here is another perspective by an advisor: "Suppose this student
never got the higher DAT score and never got admitted to dental school.
Would she then become a pharmacist and be happy in that profession?
I tell students to never start a program that they wouldn't see as
a viable step toward a successful, rewarding future."
I agree with this assessment. In addition, in a reapplication,
the student will have to explain what they did the year they attended
pharmacy school, WHY they have changed their mind, and WHY they are now
applying for dental school. Admissions folks may not believe there was
an epiphany about dentistry at that time. It is NOT a productive
We will feature an important question
each month. Please submit one that interests you for Dr. Lewis to
answer. Send your questions to imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with 'Newsletter Question' in the subject line.

The Association of International
Graduate Admissions Consultants' (AIGAC) Stamp of Excellence is issued based
on education, professional experience as a graduate admissions consultant, and
commitment to the AIGAC's principles of good practices. AIGAC exists to define
and promote professional excellence in serving graduate and professional school
applicants worldwide.
lewis associates advising
Lewis Associates specializes in personal, effective and professional
premedical advising and placement for traditional and non-traditional
applicants. Often, non-traditional students are older than 21 years
of age, career changers, international applicants or second-round applicants
for admission to health professions school.
Lewis Associates' services meet the needs of all types of students from
pre-applicants to applicants, including hourly advising support for
specific needs. Click
"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
If this is how YOU feel, then, maybe Lewis Associates is the place
for you. Lewis Associates provides Mentoring and Coaching through
the rigorous and often circuitous pre-health preparation and application
process. Other consultants may support programs like Law and Business
or graduate school -- not Lewis Associates. We are the experts in
Health Professions based on 23 years of a successful
track record.
Call or email today to set your first appointment!
805.226.9669 imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
Copyright 2009, Lewis Associates. All rights reserved.
Please do not repost on any website without direct permission from Lewis
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any friends, classmates,
or colleagues you feel would find its contents beneficial. |