Associates e-Newsletter
Volume 8 Issue 7
July 2009
Published by Lewis Associates. Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD., Editor
Email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with your comments. Enjoy!
Wow - a health care bill in the U.S. Congress with a reasonable chance of passing this summer-fall? What do you think?
As a pre- health student, you MUST engage yourself in understanding
what is happening in health policy as it unfolds in 2009. Read a daily or weekly
online or print national news source. Have an opinion and be ready to back
it up with facts! "I am too busy" is not an option for serious pre-
health students!
Weekly - American Medical News
Daily - The Washington Post
Daily - The New York Times
One of the best analyses was sent to me by Entering Class 2009 medical student, Stephen Swank (Success Story May 09), George Washington Medical School:
The Cost Conundrum, What a Texas town can teach us about health care.
by Atul Gawande, The New Yorker
See Dr. Lewis' answer to
this month's question on Facebook: How do Allopathic Medical Schools define Holistic Admissions Review? What are "the desirable traits"? Part 4, Interpersonal Skills.
Getting into medical, dental, pharmacy and the other health professions schools
is getting HARDER!
As usually happens in an economic downturn, more people are attracted to stable
careers like the health professions…competition is fierce!
How are YOU going to stand out from thousands of applicants?
Warning about student information websites from Cornell Medical School Admissions
"PLEASE do not encourage students to get information from web sites administered
by other students. From time to time, I look up the studentdoctor.net site
(for interview ratings) and I am appalled at the amount of misinformation there.
Most of the information given there will hurt students more than help them."
Sick of rumors and false reports? Lewis Associates website has factual information
that you can trust.
What's inside:
Welcome to Success Stories Newsletter!
to Communicate With Us
Changes in
Your journey to a health profession
Are You Ready for the Class of 2010?
Track Record
Be Competitive
Getting Started
• Health Care 'Gap' Continues for Minority, Poor Americans
• Most Want Health Reform But Fear Its Side Effects
• Primary Care Leaders Hit Capitol Hill
• Letter to Senate HELP Committee
• Something for Nothing
• Democratic leaders stay cold on single-payer
• Multiple Mini-Interview Process - a new approach to the interview by some schools
• Multiple mini-interviews predict clerkship and licensing examination performance
• Nova Southeastern University dual DMD/DO program
• Eva Correa, MD, Entering Class of 2006, UCLA-Drew Medical School
• Scott Auerbach, M.D., Entering Class of 1999 UCSD, Pediatric Residency at Stanford University, Pediatric Cardiology Fellow Columbia University
• Shanon Heaton Murillo, PA, Entering Class of 2002, Yale University
Story of the Month
• Eric Lee, Entering Class of 2009, Saint Louis University School of Medicine
of the Month
• See Dr. Lewis' answer to this month's question on Facebook, Advising Tips tab: How do Allopathic Medical Schools define Holistic Admissions Review? What are "the desirable traits"? Part 4, Interpersonal Skills.
Welcome to Lewis Associates!
Nearly one in ten Americans ages 20 to 24 is unemployed. But, health
care jobs remain an economic bright spot. The U.S. Department of
Labor expects the health sector to add more than 1.4 million workers over
the next ten years. Students in college and even high school can start
preparing now for a rewarding health career.
Are you ready?
Our Track Record
Entering Class of 2009...92%
Entering Class of 2008...96%
Entering Class of 2007...97% acceptance
Entering Class of 2006...89% acceptance
Entering Class of 2005...100% acceptance
Entering Class of 2004...100% acceptance
We have restructured our Advising package so
you can become competitive during the entire application process!
Our one year package addresses ALL
preparation and application activities, no matter when
they occur for you. We advise all applicants to begin preparation
for their application process at least 18 months
prior to expected matriculation . But, real preparation
to become a strong, competitive applicant starts when you enter college
(and even before!) So, get started NOW!
If you are interested in personalized advising from “The
Best in the Business,” (quote by Dr. Patrick Linson,
Harvard Medical School Alum who is the only Native American Radiation
Oncologist on the planet!), call Lewis Associates today to schedule
YOUR personal assessment. Dr. Lewis invests in you, so you may live
up to your potential to be the best applicant you can be!
to Communicate With Us
Phone: 805-226-9669
Fax: 805-226-9227
Mailing Address: 1885 Laguna del Campo,
Templeton, CA 93465 |
Lewis Associates absorbs Long Distance Charges
All phone conferences are made from our office to you. Marcia, our Administrative
Assistant, calls YOU at your appointment time.
Changes in Services
Where are you in
your journey to a health profession?
In high school? Yes, we advise high school students,
particularly, those interested in BA-MD programs!
Just starting college? This is a scary time. Everything
is new…how do I meet all those new expectations?
Moving into your difficult upper division sciences as a college junior?
Possibly, the "dreaded organic chemistry"…
Re-entering as an "older" non-traditional student?
Re-establishing academic discipline…
We help prepare those of you submitting applications for medical
and dental Residency programs, too!
Whatever niche you fit, we advise students just like you.
you REALLY ready to apply for the Class of 2010 or 2011?
How do you know?
Use our Personal Assessment--and you will be given
your individual strategy and path to your future! Then, if you use
our advising, we help implement your strategy! ! If it were easy to
do, all applicants would be accepted...and, that is not
the case.
Many whom we advise may not yet be ready, and need to develop some
aspect of their background to become competitive. Best to apply
when you are ready, be competitive, and do it ONLY ONCE!
Let's work together to make that one-time application successful…contacting
us earlier
is better so we can develop your strategy and address all those difficult
problems…months or years prior to application.
Why not set yourself up for success, rather than toy with the proposition
of failure?
David and Maureen Lee, Eric Lee's parents, Entering Class of 2009, Saint Louis University School of Medicine
June, 2009: "Dr. Lewis, We just wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you for all of your strategic guidance, wise counsel, encouragement, and mentoring to our son Eric on his journey to get into medical school. That is quite a process!! Eric definitely took the "road less traveled", majoring in philosophy, but he worked really hard to get his science prerequisites under his belt. He benefited so much from your experience, insight, and when needed "tough love". You kept him on track, and we thank you. We think he will be an excellent physician. Perhaps some day we will meet. Again with gratitude, David and Maureen Lee."
Michael Nevarez, Entering Class of 2006, Harvard University
School of Medicine, his first choice school
"Dr. Lewis was a wonderful guide and mentor as I embarked on a
medical career a number of years after graduating from Cal Poly (graduated
2001, applied to med school in 2006). She gave an honest assessment of
the strengths and weaknesses of my profile, and more importantly provided specific
and personalized ways
in which I could address my application and the process going forward. Her advice
and experience was invaluable and I am very happy to have worked with her."
Margaret Jolley, Entering Class of 2008,
UC San Diego School of Medicine, her first choice school
"I never would've made it without my weekly conference
with the calm, experienced Dr. Lewis. She kept me sane. I am so grateful
for her guidance, for her editing help, and for the confidence she instilled
in me. She is a genuinely caring committed Mentor who takes pride in
helping our dreams happen. I have urged every fellow student I know to
call her. Let her help you, too!"
Austin Yoder, Entering Class of 2009, Accepted to Uniformed
Services University for Health Sciences, Philadelphia Osteopathic-GA,
West Virginia
Osteopathic, Tennessee Osteopathic, and Kansas City Osteopathic
"I am utterly grateful to Dr. Lewis for all her help, guidance and mentorship
through the application process. I owe a great deal of my success to date to
her team."
Ariel Chairez,
Entering Class 2004, Scholarship Awardee, University of Wisconsin Medical
"Dr. Lewis, I would like to thank you for all of your help.
your guidance, I would not have been accepted
into medical school this year. I am extremely happy to have been accepted
to one of the top medical schools in the country, and to have received
a scholarship
of $130,000. For any student who questions the value of your services,
I can say that you have saved me $130,000 in tuition! Thank
John Fiszer (Lawyer), Entering Class of 2005, University
Of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine
Dr. Lewis' note: John was an Assistant State's Prosecuting Attorney in Chicago,
Illinois, when he contacted me in 2004. Finishing his 4th year of medical
school, he said: "I am really enjoying med school, and I am thankful to
Dr. Lewis for her help. Her methodical, disciplined approach to the med school
application process, as well as her insight into the transition to med school
were right on target."
Ali Warrick, Entering Class 2011 Advisee
Dr. Lewis,
I appreciate your help in
my transfer process to UC Berkeley. You have been an integral part
of the transition, and I would like to thank you for your time and
efforts. I know that your work is very thorough and well thought
out. In addition, I believe that you really care about your students,
and believe in each student's "right fit" in a school.
You lead many people toward a brighter future, and I would like to
say, 'Thank You!' for your contribution toward my academic goals.
This process has been much more enjoyable with your
guidance. Thank you for being so good at what you do."
S, Entering Class 2008, accepted with full scholarship
to Mayo Medical School
"I cannot thank Dr. Lewis enough for her support and
invaluable advice. When I came to her, I was apprehensive
about the formidable task of applying to medical school especially with
my past academic and personal hardships. She helped me see that overcoming
these difficulties was a testament to my strength, dedication, and diligence.
One of the most surprising outcomes of our relationship was that she
was effective in helping me develop a more positive self-image
and conquer many of my insecurities. Without her guidance and letter
of evaluation, I would not have been able to earn an acceptance to Mayo
Medical School, which granted me a merit scholarship that covers
almost all of my tuition. I truly appreciate all of her help. She went
above and beyond her role as an Advisor by becoming a Mentor to me. She
is absolutely the best in the business!"
Be Competitive
In order to be a competitive Class of 2010 or 2011 applicant, you need to submit a quality
application as evaluated by your clinical, service and other experiences
and your GPA-MCAT/DAT/GRE, etc. profile in a timely fashion. This
requires a well thought-out strategy to carry you through the difficult
year-long application process. If you use Dr. Lewis' advising, we
begin preparation early in the year BEFORE submission of your application!
EARLY is always better, removes much of the pressure, and allows
time to solve unforeseen problems and challenges.
What are your chances?
If you want to change your career, or reach your present career goal,
but do not know how to begin, or how to jump over all those hurdles,
Lewis Associates will advise you and implement strategies to change
your life. Dr. Lewis is thorough and professional.
Getting Started
Read on
our website about
getting your Personal
Assessment done,
then phone or email us
to get started! Dr. Lewis spends, on average,
7 hours developing an effective strategy of taking you
from where you are to where you want to be.
You may be like our other Lewis Associates Advisees -- highly
motivated and intelligent -- but needing focus, guidance and
specific technical expertise. Dr. Lewis solves problems for
her Advisees and finds opportunities for them. Or, you may
wish to use hourly advising to solve one specific problem.
Dr. Lewis is a trained Biologist, having taught and directed her own
research programs for many years at two universities. She earned two
postdoctoral fellowships (one at NIH), received the 1990 NACADA
Outstanding Institutional Advising Program in the U.S. and directed
her own Health Careers Opportunity Program grant for 6 years,
bringing $1 million to her university while
helping hundreds of disadvantaged students enter health professions.
If you are serious about making your dreams to become a
physician, dentist, physician assistant, veterinarian, optometrist,
podiatrist, naturopathic physician, or pharmacist a reality--Dr.
Lewis can help you. We have made the difference
for more than 800 alumni now training or practicing in medicine over
the last 23 years.
Dr. Lewis teaches Professionalism, Leadership, and Quality,
and sets high standards for her Advisees.
Lewis Associates will save you money and heartache on your
preparation and application process.
Contact the Health Career experts! For
more information email imaclewis@lewisassoc.com.
Call 805-226-9669 to set up your first appointment.
Health Care 'Gap' Continues for Minority, Poor Americans
Government report finds they have higher incidence of illness, fewer options for care.
Most Want Health Reform But Fear Its Side Effects
Washington Post-ABC News poll shows a majority of Americans believe the government plays a critical role in reforming health care, but concerned about the potential impact of legislation.
Primary Care Leaders Hit Capitol Hills
AAFP, ACP, AOA Call for Systemwide Health Care Reform. Congress needs to provide a total 30% payment increase for primary care physicians under Medicare during the next five years to revitalize the nation's primary care infrastructure, bolster the primary care workforce through graduate medical education policies that support medical students' choice of careers in primary care and revamp the health insurance system so that Americans are able to access needed health care services. and, thus, achieve true reform of the U.S. health care system.
Letter to Senate HELP Committee
AAFP Weighs In on Comparative Effectiveness Research Proposals. "It is only with (comparative effectiveness research) that we can provide evidence-based information to patients and physicians for use in making health care decisions,"
Something for Nothing
Why isn’t anyone actually considering the health care plan that Democratic Senator Ron Wyden and Republican Senator Robert Bennett came up with? It provides universal coverage and “The Wyden-Bennett bill has 14 bipartisan co-sponsors and the Congressional Budget Office has found that it would be revenue-neutral.”
Democratic leaders stay cold on single-payer
Advocates of a single-payer health system finally got their hearing in Congress, but they remain on the outside looking in as Democratic committee leaders seek to reform -- but not eliminate -- private health insurance.
Multiple Mini-Interview Process - a new approach to the interview by some schools
Multiple mini-interviews predict clerkship and licensing examination performance
Nova Southeastern University dual DMD/DO program
Find these and other useful links on Lewisassoc.com's
Links Page.
alumni updates
Eva Correa
Eva Correa, MD, Entering Class of 2006, UCLA-Drew Medical School
May 31, 2009: “Hi Dr. Lewis, I hope you are doing well. Sorry, I haven't kept in touch. Medical school kept me super busy. I hardly had enough time to keep in touch with my family. I wanted to let you know that I'm graduating from medical school in a week. I start Residency at USC LA county hospital this July.
I decided to go into psychiatry.
I want to thank you for being so supportive of my education. I thank God for mentors like you who helped guide me through the educational process! My family is really excited about my huge achievement. I got an award from Latino Medical Student Association for my commitment to the Latino community.
I hope to keep in touch from time to time" |
Scott Auerbach with his two sons.
Scott Auerbach, M.D., Entering Class of 1999 UCSD, Pediatric Residency at Stanford University, Pediatric Cardiology Fellow Columbia University
June 10, 2009: "Hi Dr. Lewis, I just finished my pediatric cardiology fellowship at Columbia and will be starting back at Stanford July 1st to do a final year of training in pediatric heart failure and transplant. I have two boys, Niko (3 yr) and Evan (15 months), and have been married to my wife Michelle for over 7 years now. We are really excited to come back to the west coast. I hope all is well with you." |
Shanon Heaton Murillo (first on the left) with friends.
Shanon Heaton Murillo, PA, Entering Class of 2002, Yale University
June 19, 2009: “Hello Dr. Lewis, Sorry to keep you waiting for this year's version of the 'Murillo Update'. It has been a busy year for Joe and me. Joe started physician assistant school at South University (Savannah, GA) in January 2008. While Joe was busy in PA school I worked for a local rheumatologist specializing in diseases of joints and connective tissue. I really enjoyed my time in this specialty. The first year of our life in Savannah flew by! Joe was excited to finish his first year of PA school in April 2009. Fortunately Joe is able to set up clinical rotations all over the United States. This has allowed him to schedule rotations where we will get to spend time with family on the West Coast, network with medical providers in San Diego and he will get stellar medical training. Because of his plans to travel most of 2009, we decided I should move back to San Diego to have family and friends to lean on while he is busy with his training. So... here we are! Joe and I arrived in El Cajon about 4 to 5 weeks ago. I am looking for a physician assistant job here in the San Diego area. I hope this letter finds you all well.
Love, Shanon and Joe Murillo" |
Watch for Success Stories coming for some of these alumni!
success story
Eric Lee, Entering Class of 2009, Saint Louis University School of Medicine
Eric Lee fishing on the Yuba River. |
To be quite honest, I am still adjusting to my “new identity” as a soon-to-be physician. Throughout most of my life, I viewed academics as either a chore I simply had no choice but to endure, or a means to play organized soccer at a competitive level. If it weren’t for the latter, I’m not sure I ever would have enrolled in college. As a matter of fact, I even lobbied to complete high school at an “alternative school” through independent studies. My parents, very easy-going folks, knew where to draw the line, and not graduating from a regular high school was unacceptable. So, I arranged my schedule so I got out of school at 10:15 everyday my junior and senior years. This was great because it not only appeased my parent’s expectations, it put me at the beach by 11:00, giving me plenty of time to skateboard and soak up the Santa Cruz surf and sun before soccer practice at 3:00. When I was cooped up in the classroom, my mind was elsewhere, and my grades reflected it. However, I never doubted my capacity to excel. One semester, I vocalized my confidence to my mom claiming, “I could get straight A’s if I wanted to.” Not willing to grant my unsubstantiated claim, she called my bluff, “Oh yeah, prove it then!” A few months later, I had the pleasure of handing her my report card, all A’s! Enigmatically, I reverted back to mediocrity the following semester. I wish I knew then that one day I would need to play catch-up, teach myself how to study effectively and master complex scientific material in order to fulfill my greatest desire.
In 2004, I started at Sacramento State University, and in many ways, began my new life. My nomadic, athletic-driven path had taken me to 3 different colleges already (Cabrillo College, Sierra College, and CSUMB) where I managed to complete my general education. After exhausting my collegiate eligibility in soccer, I figured I might as well wrap-up a Bachelor’s Degree since I had nothing else up my sleeve. Further, I reasoned that because I lacked a distinct career objective, I might as well major in the one discipline that had substantially piqued my interest to that point, philosophy. Taking a full-load of philosophy courses my first semester at Sacramento State, I became genuinely enthralled in the pursuit of knowledge. It was as if every ounce of curiosity, which lay dormant in my younger years was being unleashed. I began to embrace intellectual challenges with fervor, and while studying Buddhism simultaneously, I began seeing the world and my place in it from a different perspective. Essentially, I realized that my greatest source of serenity derives from compassionate interactions with others. During this same period of time, I was dating a beautiful young nursing student named, Taffy. As Taffy began sharing her clinical encounters with me, suddenly, it hit me like a ton of bricks: medicine was the perfect medium for me to cultivate my humanistic qualities and explore my intellectual curiosity. However, without a solid background in math and science, developed study habits, clinical experience, or medical mentors, the challenge ahead was stifling.
I took naturally to science, earning a 3.95 GPA over 3 years while completing my premedical and philosophy coursework. Additionally, I developed a special interest in medical ethics and healthcare policy, completing a medical ethics internship at CSUS and publishing a health policy report as intern for the California Medical Association. Working at Sutter Roseville Medical Center for the past 3 years, first as a Patient Transporter and now, Radiology Assistant, I have had the privilege of forming enriching bonds with patients and their families, and a wide range of hospital staff. These experiences alone however, would not have been sufficient in gaining admission to medical school.
Dr. Lewis’ support and poignant responses to my inquiries held me on course over the years, preparing me for each phase of my journey. Constantly encouraging me to develop the intimate details of my experiences, she helped bring my application to life. The finished product was a well-balanced, cohesive application, which reflected the breadth of my experiences and the qualities that make me unique. Thanks in large part to Dr. Lewis’ efforts, I was accepted to four medical schools, and am excited to be attending Saint Louis University School of Medicine beginning this fall!
Email to Dr. Lewis if you wish to
communicate about medical schools or other issues or to contact those
profiled in Success Stories: imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
question of the month...see Facebook, Advising Tips tab (link)
Dr. Cynthia Lewis, PhD
How do Allopathic Medical Schools define Holistic Admissions Review? What are "the desirable traits"? Part 4, Interpersonal Skills.
This is a hot topic for Allopathic
Medical Schools. Are they just giving it lip service? See Dr. Lewis' answer to this month's question on Facebook, Advising Tips tab.
We will feature an important question
each month. Please submit one that interests you for Dr. Lewis to
answer. Send your questions to imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
with 'Newsletter Question' in the subject line.

The Association of International
Graduate Admissions Consultants' (AIGAC) Stamp of Excellence is issued based
on education, professional experience as a graduate admissions consultant, and
commitment to the AIGAC's principles of good practices. AIGAC exists to define
and promote professional excellence in serving graduate and professional school
applicants worldwide.
lewis associates advising
Lewis Associates specializes in personal, effective and professional
premedical advising and placement for traditional and non-traditional
applicants. Often, non-traditional students are older than 21 years
of age, career changers, international applicants or second-round applicants
for admission to health professions school.
Lewis Associates' services meet the needs of all types of students from
pre-applicants to applicants, including hourly advising support for
specific needs. Click
"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
If this is how YOU feel, then, maybe Lewis Associates is the place
for you. Lewis Associates provides Mentoring and Coaching through
the rigorous and often circuitous pre-health preparation and application
process. Other consultants may support programs like Law and Business
or graduate school -- not Lewis Associates. We are the experts in
Health Professions based on 26 years of a successful
track record.
Call or email today to set your first appointment!
805.226.9669 imaclewis@lewisassoc.com
Copyright 2009, Lewis Associates. All rights reserved.
Please do not repost on any website without direct permission from Lewis
Please feel free to forward this newsletter to any friends, classmates,
or colleagues you feel would find its contents beneficial. |